Writing and self-publishing a book means that I am now officially a small business. A very small business. I get to make every decision about content, about my cover and back cover and how I want to price it and, well, everything.
Authors will tell you that writing the book was the easy part. They aren’t totally wrong. Because if you don’t find readers who are willing to plunk down money to buy your book who take the time to read and review it then all you’ll have the satisfaction of having a published book.
For some people that’s more than enough. That’s not me. I’ve never had this burning desire to be a writer. I never kept a journal, I don’t feel incomplete without writing. I write when I find a passion. I Chose You is my eleventh book and I think it might be my favorite. It’s not controversial, it doesn’t try and be more than it is. It’s a book about rescue dogs and their humans.
I love being able to donate to various rescue groups whenever anyone buys a copy. Last week I had a book signing and tomorrow I’ll write the Neenah Animal Shelter a check for $450.00. That’s a couple spay neuter surgeries or a ton of rabies vaccinations. It will buy food for those dogs until someone adopts them. My readers are saving lives when they buy a book and that makes me feel like all the hard parts of being a very small business are worth it.
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. Books are an outstanding Christmas gift and I hope this year you’ll consider giving yourself or a dog lover in your life the gift of my book. I wish I could give my book to everyone who loves dogs. But if I did that, I’d be broke and I would have nothing to donate which kind of defeats the purpose of writing and publishing a book.
Here’s one of my favorite Amazon reviews. If my book raises funds and gets someone to adopt another rescue dog then that will make me happy and fulfilled as an author.
“Short, sweet, bite-sized morsels of memories from Carmen and a host of other rescue dog owners showcase the good, the bad, and the sometimes funny aspects of getting a rescue dog. Most of the time they are the ones who rescue us.
Read this book at your own risk. You might laugh, you might cry, and you might find yourself and your dog on the pages of this book.
And you might want to rescue another one. Unfortunately, my husband said “No” Two is enough. (for now!)”