National Dog Appreciation Month Podcast

By |2024-07-16T10:26:55-05:00April 1, 2024|

I love being a guest on podcasts and last week I was on a great one. Stefan is from Germany and now lives with his family in South Carolina. April is National Dog Appreciation Month and so I love that today is the kick off for this podcast. It's also the kick off for my birthday fundraiser to help rescue 70 dogs. I hope [...]

Epic Exchanges

By |2024-03-07T09:59:11-06:00March 7, 2024|

I have done quite a number of podcasts about dogs, dogs and depression, moving to a new place and starting over as a senior, gardening, more dogs, and a wide variety of topics. I can truly say that it's always like sitting down with a friend and having an open conversation and that's how the one from last week went. Kelly Snider is a [...]

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