April showers bring May flowers. They also bring weeds. So many weeds. But today I choose to focus on my tulips.
When we moved here six years ago the area next to the porch had weeds. There were a couple of bushes that failed to thrive, it turns out they needed less sun, and there were rocks. I don’t mean pretty landscaping locks. I mean boulders and pebbles and every size in between were buried deep down.
We decided on daffodils and tulips so that we’d have color right after winter. Part of that decision was because they were super cheap at Costco so we splurged and got 50 of each type of bulbs. And then Gary began to dig. And dig, And there might have been some cursing. And a strained back. I’m amazed at the boulders he moved by himself. Maybe that’s why the next year he needed a hip replacement.
Then came amending the soil with peat moss, fertilizer, and more dirt. He put an auger on the drill to make it easier and the soil burned out the drill. As in he had to get a new drill. Bu the persevered and those fifty daffodils and and the same number of tulips went into the ground. Whatever magic happens under the snow and cold for those many months happened and, instead of weeds, we got flowers!
We have added more each year, under duress from Gary, and we are up to about 250 tulips. I told him we have room for another 50 and he doubts my wisdom. I will win on this. He now has two new knees so there’s no excuse this time around.
A few days ago Gary took pictures of each tulip bed. Neither of us is a natural gardener and we don’t delight in getting our hands dirty or spending copious amounts of money. But we do love the results.
I’m loving the vertical view.
Happy Spring!