Today is National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. What time would you travel to in your own life or in history?
Hands down I’d travel back to June 15, 2016 and leave the beach five minutes later than we did that day. Or we could have taken a different route home. Had we done either of those things we would not have been at that exact stop light where the driver of the huge SUV behind us fell asleep at the wheel and smashed into us causing us to hit another SUV in front of us. That’s the time I wish I could travel back to.
But then I would not have this exact house, which we do love, and I would not have this exact dog. I would not have played a big role in saving over 6,500 dogs and raising money for the shelter and doing events and helping them connect dogs with families. I would not have written two rescue dog books and met so many wonderful people in the process.
But I’ve always volunteered, always tried to make a difference so I think I would prefer still having my old life and not having headaches. It doesn’t really matter because I can’t time travel and I can’t change the past, I can only go forward.
I have to do some thinking about time traveling to another time in history. Life wasn’t as good for people of color and women most of the time. Interesting to choose. How about you?
And I would not have Coconut.