No Gardening Mistakes

By |2024-07-16T10:22:47-05:00June 13, 2024|

We have this neighbor who doesn't weed. At least he mows. Sort of. For a few years I called the management company and asked nicely if they could do something about the burdock and dames rocket and five-foot-high thistle grove. The creeping belle flower and ditch lilies and all other sorts of horribleness are on my fence line. Once a year when things tower [...]


By |2024-06-12T09:55:39-05:00June 12, 2024|

When I was growing up I loved when it rained. Rain meant no banishment to the outdoors in the ridiculously hot summers to play baseball on the dirt. I wasn't very good and I'm not kidding when I said the field was dirt. Staying inside meant I could go up to my bottom bunk in the bedroom I shared with my sisters and I [...]

A Little Aloha “Up North”

By |2023-06-23T09:12:20-05:00June 23, 2023|

You can take the girl out of Hawaii.... We live in Oshkosh, WI now. We've gotten into native plants and creating rain and butterfly gardens and killing as much nasty grass as possible. Yesterday we took a field trip up to Rhinelander which is considered up north. It was our first time up there and it was way hotter than anticipated. We went to [...]

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