What Color is God’s Love? by Xochitl Dixon is such a beautiful book. This is a book that radiates joy from the cover to the illustrations to each perfectly chosen word.
We can’t force people to care about the earth, the plants, the water, the birds, or the animals. But this book can make us want to love our earth.
We can’t legislate kindness. But we can weave it into our stories and the books we read for our kids and grand kids and students so that they understand that every skin tone in our world is beautiful and special.
All around us we hear people talking about diversity and inclusion and when I read this amazingly special book it hit me like never before. God is and always has been and always will be our world’s chief diversity officer.
In these few short pages, with the most glorious illustrations from Darshika Varma, Xochitl helps children and even adults capture the joy of God’s creation.
If you have a child or a grandchild please order this book. Go to your bookstores and libraries and ask them to order it. Buy copies to donate to your local elementary schools.
Most of all, look around you and get excited about the colors of the world that only God could have created.